I hear a word from the Lord as a prophetic revelation and warning, so I am changing the direction of my teaching and will be sharing a secret principle which was shown to me by our Lord some years ago. As with most things the Lord shows me, before the revelation can be fully understood, a foundation must first be laid. So, grab your Bible and let's begin. We need this message now more than ever before. Why? Because it's time for the Body of Christ to activate the latent power and authority that has been dormant within.
There are some lessons to be learned from the incident recorded in Mark 4:35-41. A group of ships were caught in a great storm of wind while Jesus lay fast asleep on a pillow in the hinder part of one of the ships. So much water was pouring into the ship that the disciples feared they would all perish. What did they do? Probably the same thing we would have done. They went and woke Jesus up!
"And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm," (vs 39).
The result of their action was this: Jesus arose; he rebuked the wind and calmed the sea. Mission accomplished! No more need to fear. After he rebukes the wind, Jesus further rebukes the disciples:
"And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?" (vs 40).
Now personally, I was a little stumped by Jesus words, "how is it that you have no faith". Let's be real: wouldn't we consider turning to Jesus in the midst of a storm... wouldn't we consider that an act of faith? After all, if we didn't believe Jesus could do something about the situation, why would we approach Him? I understand that they were afraid and that fear [False Evidence Appearing Real] and faith are opposites. But, to say that they had NO faith, rather than say that they were operating in at least a little bit of faith. Hmmm.
"And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" (vs 41).
It would seem that it's easier to calm the sea than to calm men. After Jesus calms the sea we see that the root of fear remained within His disciples so much so that it had intensified and they now feared "exceedingly". The storm was over; a great calmness was upon the sea. What are they afraid of now? They were afraid of a man who could exercise authority like no man they had ever known before.
They missed the point...
We don't get it yet either...
But we'll come back to it later...
Remember, we're just laying a foundation right now.
The word for "peace" is "shalom" [7965 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance]. This word represents not only a feeling of being safe, well, happy and friendly, but also "welfare, i.e., health, prosperity, peace and rest." Instead of saying "hello" as we do in greeting people in our culture, the greeting of "shalom" was a way of imparting a blessing to the person being greeted.
Read Luke 10:1-9. Many lessons can learned from this passage and we're going to take time to look at some of them because they will be relevant to our overall message. The Lord Jesus Christ appoints seventy "no-names" to go into places, two by two, where he would eventually come himself.
Notice several key points from these nine verses:
1. They were "appointed", not "anointed"
2. Instead of following "behind" Jesus, they were going "ahead" of (or before) Him.
3. They would be "lambs among wolves" [and wolves love to eat lambs!]
4. They were to carry nothing with them
5. They were not to stop to salute (or greet) anyone along the way [no distractions]
6. Upon first entering a home, they must pronounce, "PEACE to this house"
7. They would discern peace in the house, a sense of rest and could remain in that house
8. They were not to go house to house, but remain only where peace was dwelling
9. They were to humbly receive whatever food was set before them
10. They had the ability to heal the sick and to proclaim that the kingdom of God was near
In the following verses (10-11) Jesus instructs them not to remain in any city where they are not received. In other words, they were not to try to do any kind of spiritual warfare to "take the city". No! If they were not received, they were to shake the very dust from their feet and simply leave. Why? They were lambs among wolves and the covering of peace would protect them from becoming lamb chops. If they had stepped into an arena of conflict, we might not have the testimony of verse 17 which tells us that "the seventy returned again...". In other words, not one of the 70 were lost.
That's right. You want to know why it was necessary for the Lord to raise up these seventy unnamed disciples? To finish the work of John the Baptist.
"And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways," (Luke 1:76).
We are typically called to follow Jesus. Yet it was the unique call of John the Baptist to prepare the way (coming) of the Lord by going before Him.
John the Baptist's assignment was to minister the knowledge of salvation and "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace," (Luke 1:79).
In other words, John was meant to walk as a lamb among wolves; but, what did he do? This man of the wilderness began "wolfing" against wickedness in high places...even in the palace (Mt. 14:3-4; Mk. 6:16-18). And it cost him his head. I believe John the Baptist died prematurely, with his work undone; therefore, the Lord had to raise up others to finish the work.
It took seventy men to replace the one. All because he stepped outside the boundaries of peace. I know we live in a time of much spiritual warfare, but I must caution some of you: if you are not anointed to deal with principalities and powers, leave it alone! If God appoints you as an ambassador of peace, do not get involved in the conflict! Honestly. It's NOT for everybody! Even those who are called to spiritual warfare must first be men and women who carry the love of God and the peace of God. We'll explain why and show the scriptural support for this statement as we get deeper into this message.
There was peace in Eden and in Adam until sin entered in. One of the things that sin brought was a disturbance of the peace. That's when guilt entered in...and fear...shame...accusations against one another...division...confusion...loss of prosperity...pain...frustration...worries...concerns...stress. The first couple had no peace of God after they sinned; therefore they hid when God came seeking for them in the cool of the evening. They could only fellowship with God if they had peace with Him. Once that peace was broken, fellowship was impossible until peace was restored.
Peace is the spiritual atmosphere and attitude God has towards us through which He works His loving kindness to draw us back to Him. Peace is the power of reconciliation. When there is no peace, there is war. The absence of peace leaves you with confusion, bitterness, fear, worry, stress, murderous thoughts, feelings and actions.
When peace is broken, it takes something to re-establish it. It cost Jesus His life; His Blood. Despite what He had to go through: the rejection of his own family, the misunderstanding and hatred of the doctors of the law, the betrayal of his own familiar friend, the fleeing of his inner circle, the physical abuse and torment, etc., He never lost his inner peace; He never called down fire upon his enemies, never cursed them or prayed for their destruction. He endured the contradiction of sinners against himself (Heb. 12:3) and won the crown whereby we call him the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6).
"And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many..." (Dan. 8:25).
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape," (I Thess. 5:3).
We will deal with this and more... next session.
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