"And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul," (I Samuel 18:1).
"I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women," (2 Samuel 1:26).
In the past several sessions we dealt with Eros love. Today we begin delving into another precious kind of love that God makes available to us through friendships.
God is not just interested in your loving Him. He wants you to love others purely and passionately. Among the saints there is to be a fervent (hot-heated) love that bonds us together (I Pet. 1:22). Even people fortunate and blessed enough to have a wonderful marriage and sexually fulfilling love life, still need this kind of love to be totally fulfilled. Everybody needs a friend and the Word of God declares that there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24).
How many friends you have depends on you. "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly..." (Prov. 18:24a). If you sow friendship, you will reap friendship. Many people today are so self-centered that they do not know how to be a good friend. What distinguishes a person in your life as a true friend? Maybe some of the qualities listed here come to mind when you think of a friend:
1. Someone whose personality you like and whom you enjoy spending time and conversing with. They hold your interest (you find them interesting, not boring).
2. Someone whose likes to do the things you like to do and you find greater pleasure in doing them together (any activity, hobby, vocation, etc.).
3. Someone who has gained your confidence and trust and with whom you share details of your life that you would not tell to just anybody.
4. Someone who shares your sorrows and joys and that you know you can count on in a pinch. They help you when you need help and vice versa.
5. Someone with whom you can be totally honest and even disagree on certain issues without it damaging your relationship. Someone who sees the good, bad and ugly and loves you just the same even though they are not biologically related to you.
6. Someone you might not hear from for a long time, but when you do communicate, you can pick up right where you left off.
7. Someone whom you believe understands you and accepts you unconditionally, blemishes and all.
Feel free to add to this list anything I may miss about what a friend may mean to you. A friend is someone who becomes a part of you. I see certain friends who are so close that they unconsciously begin to pick up one another's mannerisms and verbal expressions. You know how it is... you sense it in yourself. There are times when I will say something and realize that it's not my expression, but one of my friends. When that happens, it's like I feel them "inside" of me. That's because they have become a part of my soul.
What a beautiful love story of a friendship between two men who were not gay, yet shared a love that was, in David's words, "wonderful, passing the love of women." If you ever thought that sexual intimacy was the greatest love you could seek after, hear the hearts of Jonathan and David.
Jonathan was a brave warrior of Israel who was sensitive to the spirit of God. He trusted God to give him and his armorbearer victory against the Philistines (I Sam. 14:1-23), even though the odds were against them. Jonathan saw that the young lad, David, was a courageous youth, willing to trust God also and put his life on the line for God and country.
After David slew Goliath and was brought before the king, Jonathan's heart was knit to David so much so that he gave David his robe, sword, bow, belt and armour. Jonathan even knew that, though he should be the natural heir to the throne after his father, Saul, that David would be king instead. Nevertheless, there was no jealousy, rivalry, etc. Consider the following verses of scripture:
"Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle," (I Sam. 18:3-4).
"And Jonathan Saul's son arose, and went to David...and said unto him...thou shalt be
king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee..." (excerpted from I Sam. 23:16-18).
Jonathan is an unsung hero of the O.T. Truly his ending was tragic in that he died in battle along with his father (2 Sam. 1:4). Yet, because of their covenant of friendship, king David sought out any descendants of Jonathan to whom he could show love and compassion. He found Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth, who was lame in both feet.
6 "Now when Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, was come unto David, he fell on his face, and did reverence. And David said, Mephibosheth. And he answered, Behold thy servant!
7 And David said unto him, Fear not: for I will surely shew thee kindness for Jonathan thy father's sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father; and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.
8 And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?" (2 Sam. 9).
The love David had for Jonathan extended to Jonathan's seed. How many people can your children find favor with and who will be willing to help them after you're gone, simply because of the friendship that they had with you? Can you make that kind of covenant? With a true friend you can.
God has given you the capacity to be a true friend and to experience the love of friends; and you have every right to pursue it in your life! I pray that you do.
In my life, my husband is also my best friend. We enjoy each other just as friends. It's part of what makes our marriage so wonderful. Obviously, no husband and wife spend all their time in bed together. They have to have a life and a love beyond just Eros. The longer we have been married, the more we enjoy one another's company. It 's amazing to be the age we are now (mid fifties), having been married more than twenty years and to know that the love we shared in our youth has given way to a deeper more meaningful love. Yes, we still enjoy each other physically from time to time... but not like when we were younger. And yes, it's just as wonderful. But, beyond that, there is another love that we share that's even richer and which we can express 24/7. It's the Phileo love. He is my friend and I am his. I think of the pureness of the love of small children before they become sexually expressive. I feel that kind of love within me and I know it's a gift from God. Just know that it's in you too, no matter what age you are.
Jesus is the Son of David. If David was good to the seed of his friend, how much more will the Son of God watch over, protect and provide for the children of His "friends".
How can you become God's friend? How can you know that He considers you, not just a born-again believer, but His friend? Here's what Jesus said to His disciples:
"Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you," (John 15:15).
Shabba! Excuse me. "Shabba" is a word I shout when I get excited! To think that we can be friends of God. Has He not revealed to us the things He has heard of the Father? Does His Word not say that in the last days He will pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh and that your sons and daughters shall prophesy? What is that? That's God revealing His Word to you; not keeping it a secret; not treating you like a servant, but rather, like a son; and like a friend.
In the Messianic prophecy of Psalm 41:9, Judas was looked upon as a familiar friend who turned against Jesus by betraying Him to His enemies. Sometimes friendships turn sour. Not all human friendships last; we know that. You're not responsible for the actions of others; only your own. We know that in prophecy of the last days warns us that because iniquity will abound, the love of many will wax cold. I would say to you, beloved, guard your heart! In spite of what others do, you continue to forgive, show mercy, do good to them that despitefully use you and persecute you; bless those who curse you and who turn their backs on you. Don't be gripped by bitterness, resentment, anger, hatred or any other spiritual attitude from the kingdom of darkness. Don't be afraid to love again. Trust me. I know. I've been there many times and have felt such woundedness of heart that I wondered if I could recover. Nevertheless, I have found that love is stronger than death and that God is my Helper and enabler. To God be the glory. The apostle Paul experienced it from the very churches he founded, saying in 2 Corinthians 12:15, "And I will very gladly spend and be spend for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved."
I will not set up false expectations about the consequences of loving the way God calls you to love. There will be disappointments. There will be pain. There will be betrayals and misunderstandings and breaches in relationships, etc. Divorces will continue. But's that's only one side of the coin, as it were. God gives us great grace and shows us more of Himself as we stand through these tests that bleed our hearts and try our faith. Don't give up on God and don't give up on love.
"Building the Kingdom by Building People"